Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Managing & Enhancing Care in Rapidly Changing & Complex Situations Leadership Essay

Introduction to the folder of Evidence This assignment is an analysis of my leadership development though my training, and to assist me to adapt from a student nurse to a staff nurse confidently. This, along with an action plan (appendix 1) is completed though out my module 8 placement in accident and emergency. My leadership skills are developed by shadowing my mentor whilst she is in charge of shifts for 3 weeks, as well as accurately and confidently handing over patients to other members of the multi-disciplinary team. In this setting, skills such as communication, decision making, prioritising care and time management are necessary, therefore this placement has assisted me in developing those skills. This assignment relates to learning outcome 2-Utilise a range of therapeutic approaches and problem solving skills when planning, implementing and evaluating care to enhance quality of life for patients and carers, 3- Utilise effective coaching skills in the support of patients, carers and less experienced colleagues, and 4- Analyse and develop professional care, management and leadership roles within the context of multidisciplinary and collaborative care delivery in meeting health and social care needs for patients with increasing levels of dependency. (MSG, 2011) I will develop my leadership skills by shadowing her whilst she is triaging patients, in charge of shifts, and when she is handing over, along with accurate communication skills. Though out the placement, I will gain feedback from my mentor on my progress in order to help me to achieve sufficient leadership skills. Introduction The aim of this reflective account is to analyse leadership skills that have been developed throughout my module 8 placement in Accident and Emergency. I will debate the motives for my choice of actions, and evaluate the extent which it has enabled me to improve my leadership skills. I will discuss what I have discovered about my leadership skills, how I’ve developed as a leader, and what effect this has on the care given to my patients. This assignment, in collaboration with the practise assessment document, will assist me in identifying skills developed, with significance to learning outcomes 2, 3, and 4. The identified skills along with leadership literature will be evaluated using the Gibbs Reflective Cycle (1988) which comprises of description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, and action plan. There are many definitions of leadership, such as being a ‘’function of knowing yourself, having a vision that is well communicated, building trust among colleagues, and taking effective action to realize your own leadership potential ‘’. (Bennis, 1959), ‘Leadership involves the use of interpersonal skills to influence others to accomplish a specific goal.’ (Sullivan and Garland, 2010). All of these definitions gave me a great idea of leadership, and allowed me to choose an aspect of leadership skills within my placement. This allowed me to focus on my leadership skills whilst making decisions in the clinical setting. Clinical decision-making is a process that nurses undertake on a daily basis when they make judgements about the care that they provide to patients and management issues. (Banning, 2007). NMC 2008 states that you must ‘‘Provide a high standard of practice and care at all times’’. This reflective account is also based on my leadership skills whilst leading handover. Clinical handover refers to the transfer of information from one health care provider to another when a patient has a change of location or venue of care, and/or when the care of/responsibility for that patient shifts from one provider to another (ACSQHC, 2005). The NMC (2008) states that ‘’you should be aware of, and develop, your ability to communicate effectively within teams. The way you record information and communicate is crucial. Other people will rely on your records at key communication points, especially during handover, referral and in shared care.’’ Stage 1: Description of the event Decision making plays an important role in the A&E department. This determines the care each patient receives. My mentor asked me to triage a patient in the minors department. No names are mentioned in this piece in order to respect dignity and privacy as stated by the NMC (2008). I began to triage a 29 year old female who presented with abdominal pain and vaginal bleeding. This patient was 7 weeks pregnant. As I was assessing the patient I noticed that she was hypotensive at a blood pressure of 95/65. Following this, I informed my mentor of my patient and my findings. Following a discussion with my mentor, we decided that this patient was high priority. Whilst my mentor inserted a cannula and took bloods, I was given the responsibility of allocating the patient to a bed. Following the discussion with my mentor, I felt that it was necessary to place the patient in majors, and on a monitor bed. As this was being put into action, my mentor and I noticed that all monitored beds were tak en up. I then had to liaise with the nurse in charge to decide if all patients on the monitored beds were required to stay on monitors. After organising a monitor bed for the patient, I then bleeped the gynecologist on call for further advice. After the patient was assessed by other members of the multi-disciplinary team, it was decided that the patient was to be admitted for further tests, as the gynecologist was querying an ectopic pregnancy. My mentor then allowed me to liaise with the bed manager to organise a bed on a suitable ward for the patient. After a bed was arranged, I then escorted the patient to the ward and gave a full handover to the nurses under my mentors supervision. Handover is another very important aspect of communication in the clinical setting, as it ensures the correct information is given to the nurse, and therefore, care for the patient will be organized accurately. Stage 2: Feelings When my mentor allocated me to triage patients, I felt that I was given a lot of responsibility. Porterfield (1999) states that empowering employees is an important part of employee development and can in turn produce a higher level of employee satisfaction. I questioned my ability to assess to as I was not used to this level of responsibility. I mentioned this to my mentor and she reassured me by discussing what assessment tools to use, and  mentioning that she and the rest of the nursing team were there for any guidance throughout the assessment. Once the patient was assessed and allocated to majors, I felt quite confident in my decision making skills. My mentor mentioned that I had triaged the patient successfully and competently and this was very reassuring. As I continued care for the patient, I became to feel more confident in the care I was providing. After a clinical decision was made and the patient was to be handed over to the nursing staff on the ward, I felt slightly nervous in regards to ensuring the correct and accurate information is being given to the staff, as well as the essential information in regards to the patient. As I proceeded to begin handover, I became more confident as I had been with this patient since the beginning, and had a good insight to the care that was given and the care that was to be given. I gave the nurses a full handover in regards to the patient, including what examinations were carried out and the results of the examinations, and what the patient is required in order to keep comfortable. I also mentioned that this was the patient’s first pregnancy and reassurance is vital. Following handover, my mentor gave me feedback on how I handed over the patient. We discussed my communication skills, and my mentor mentioned that I gave an accurate and well-spoken handover, and mentioned all relevan t information in regards to the patient. After receiving that feedback, I felt that my style of leadership tailed was transformational. Stage 3: Evaluation Leaders are often described as being visionary, equipped with strategies, a plan and desire to direct their teams and services to a future goal (Mahoney, 2001). Decision making is a fundamental element of nursing, and is essential to understand. (Reilly, 2003). By my mentor allowing me to make clinical decisions on patient care, leadership skills whilst making decisions were put into practice. With the support of my mentor and all the staff, I was able to analyze clinical situations and make a decision based on best practice, as well as evidence based practice. By gaining feedback from peers, it allowed me to evaluate how effective my decision making and communication skills were. Communication can be identified as a vast field with the nursing setting. (Donnelly and Neville, 2008). Throughout handover, my delivery of information was accurate and precise, and the level  of communication between the nursing staff receiving handover from I was approached to in a professional manner. I feel that, throughout the experience, my confidence levels were low and adverse. Dao (2008) states that self-confidence is the fundamental basis from which leadership grows. Although, I received positive feedback from peers, being given such important tasks made me doubt my competency as a nurse. Stage 4: Analysis The Gibbs et al (1988) reflective model encourages the analysis stage to break down the event into its components so they can be explored separately. In order to analyze, becoming aware of the variety of learning theories and styles will assist in evaluating. Timmins (2006) states that critical analysis should analyse current practice along with examining the research base of practice and exploring theories that update nursing. I feel by exploring various leadership styles, I achieved this throughout my placement. An effective leader should be able to adopt, either consciously or unconsciously, various leadership styles in various situations (Bennett et al. 2010). By approaching the range of leadership theories, I feel that I have obtained the transformational leadership technique. Transformational leadership style is made up of 4 elements, Idealized influence, Inspirational motivation, Intellectual stimulation, and Individual consideration. In comparison, Transactional leadership style is made up of 2 elements, Contingent Reward and management by exception. Aarons (2006) states transformational leadership inspires and motivates followers, whereas transactional leadership is based more on reinforcement and exchanges. I feel that I built a professional relationship with not only my mentor, but with other colleagues in the department, and had the support necessary to assist me in making decisions and handing over. In terms of patient’s safety, accurate decision making and hand over is an essential. The NMC (2008) states that you must ‘’provide a high standard of practice and care at all times’’. By obtaining a transformational leadership style, this ensures that whilst decision making, that all decisions are made with rationale and in the best interest of the patient. When handing information of care of patients over to colleagues, effective co-ordination and communication is essential. Clinical decision-making is a complex activity that requires practitioners to be knowledgeable in relevant aspects of  nursing, To have access to reliable sources of information and appropriate patient care networks and to work in a supportive environment. (O’Neill, Dluhy & Chin, 2005). However, although being supervised whilst making decisions and handing over, I was expected to do these tasks independently and professionally, and based on the best interest of the patient. This allowed me to gain further insight to the transition of student nurse to staff nurse. Stage 5: Conclusion In conclusion I feel the time I spent working within the Accident and Emergency team facilitated greatly in assisting me to develop my leadership skills. The stated event reflected best shows how I incorporated two aspects of my new leadership skills. I feel by studying the styles and skills involved in leadership I gained a good knowledge of leadership styles which I presented during my time here. I received feedback from my mentors and colleagues in regards to the skills, which have given me confidence to practice these skills in the future as a staff nurse. I have come to realise that a variety of leadership styles of leading best work in a hospital setting. In the future I will strive to further develop my leadership skills. Stage 6- Action Plan I plan to continue developing my leadership skills by observing and taking part in handover throughout the rest of my placements. I also hope to continue developing my decision making skills by shadowing my mentor and other colleagues throughout triaging and deciding patient care. As a self-regulated learner, I plan to gain feedback from both mentors and colleagues and focus on areas of further development. REFERENCES Aarons, G. (2006). Transformational and Transactional Leadership: Association With Attitudes Toward Evidence-Based Practice. . 57 (8), 1162-1169. ACSQHC- Passing the baton of care – a patient relay – May 2005. Available. Last accessed 17 May 2012. Banning, M. (2007). A review of clinical decision making: models and current research. J. Clinical Nursing. Available at Accessed 26 May 2012. Bennett, C., Perry, J., Lapworth, T. (2010) Leadership skills for nurses working in the criminal justice system. Nursing Standard. 24 (40), p.35-40. Bennis WG (1959) Leadership Theory and Administrative Behavior: The Problem of Authority. Admin Sci Q 4(2): 259–301 Bennis W. (1999). The Leadership Advantage. Available: Last accessed 26th May 2012 Dao, F. (2008). Without Confidence, There is No Leadership. Available: Last accessed 29 May 2012. Donnelly, E, Neville, L. (2008) Communication and Interpersonal Skills, p4 Reflect Press Ltd Publishing. Gibbs, G. (1998) Learning by doing: a guide to teaching and learning methods. Oxford centre for staff and learning development. London Further Education Unit. Polytechnic, Oxford Mahoney, J. (2001) Leadership skills for the 21st century. Journal of Nursing Management; 9: 5, 269-271. Nursing and Midwifery Council (2008) The Code: Standards of Conduct, Performance and Ethics for Nurses and Midwives. O’Neill, E.S., Dluhy, N.C. & Chun, E. (2005). Modelling novice clinical reasoning for a computerised decision support system. J. Advanced Nursing, 49, 1: 68-77 Potterfield, Thomas A. (1999) The Business of Employee Empowerment: Democracy and Ideology in the Workplace. Westport, CT: Greenwood Publishing Group. Riley, M. E. (2003), Removing chest drains – a critical reflection of a complex clinical decision. Nursing in Critical Care, 8: 212–221. Sullivan EJ, Garland G (2010), Practical Leadership and Management in Nursing. Pearson Education Limited,Harlow T immins, F. (2006) Critical practice in nursing care: analysis, action and reflexivity. Nursing Standard, 20 (39), p.49-54.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Cause and effect Essay

I am going to be talking about the cause and effects of peer pressure on today’s teens. Most of the time peer pressure is caused when teens develop the strong desire to fit in and be accepted by others. In high school most teens think that to fit in they have to be noticed and do whatever the â€Å"popular crowd† is doing, even if that means they will get in trouble. What some parents don’t realize these days is that they have a strong influence on their children’s lives and how they handle day to day issues. When you’re tuff and set good guide lines for your child and teach them wrong from right they will be less tempted to do wrong because they will have guidance. Some off the effects that peer pressure can cause can be harmful or lead to being kicked out of school. When teens are persuaded into doing the wrong thing there is going to be consequences for their actions. It could result in the child being kicked off of their team, out of school or even worse, they could end up in jail. The causes of peer pressure are very real in today’s society and if your teen or child isn’t careful who they hang around, they might be pressured into doing the wrong thing. Make sure to talk with your child and let them know that you are there for them and they can come to you whenever they need to talk about something.

Letter to Newspaper Essay

Traditionally adult learners are students who are pursuing education in either, college (undergraduate or graduate degrees), vocational or occupational programs, continuing education or noncredit courses, correspondence courses and tutoring, as well as courses and other educational activities provided by employers, community groups, and other providers (â€Å"Adult Learner,† 2012). The average age of an adult learner is 25 years or older, it usually is a diverse group of people (â€Å"Adult Learner,† 2012). These adult learners can be an independent student, employed full time, a person with dependents, a person who as a result of a death or divorce, is now single and wishes to complete a degree program and a veteran of the United States military (â€Å"Adult Learner,† 2012). There also the lifelong learners who generally have additional responsibilities such as family, career, military, or community, and are seeking a degree or other educational offering to enha nce their professional and or personal lives (â€Å"Adult Learner,† 2012). Education is any formally structured learning activity in which there are an instructor and curriculum. According to Bringhamton University (2012), the largest and fastest expanding market segment for higher education is the adult learner. Universities and colleges need to adjust their infrastructure to attract better and serve adult learners. There is less high school graduates entering colleges versus the adult learner (â€Å"Demographics,† 2012). With less traditional aged students and more non-traditional or adult learners there will be less public support, political leverage, and legislative support to finance an educational system that is designed primarily to serve the needs of traditional aged students without considering the special needs of a more age diverse student body (â€Å"Demographics,† 2012). There is a push in Washington for more federal dollars in adult training. They believe the  return on investment (ROI) from adult education and training is posi tive as billions of dollars could be earned, saved, and pumped back into the struggling economy (Gonzalez, 2011). The argument at capital is that adult education actually saves governments money by reducing societal healthcare, public assistance, and incarceration costs. It also improves and expands the nation’s available pool of workers by helping motivated, but undereducated people get jobs (Gonzalez, 2011). The theory of adult learning is the assumptions about how adults learn. Emphasizes the value of the process of learning in adults (â€Å"Adult Learning Theory,† 2007). Malcom Knowles and American practitioner and theorist of adult education defined is as an art and science of helping adults learn (â€Å"Adult Learning Theory,† 2007). Knowles also defined six adult learning principles as adults are internally motivated and self-directed, adults bring life experiences and knowledge to learning experiences and are goal orientated. They also relevancy oriented and are practical learners who like to be respected when in the classroom (â€Å"Adult Learning Theory,† 20 07). As educators, we need to foster the adult learner’s internal motivation to learn. Develop a rapport with the adult learner, encourage them to ask questions and explore concepts. Some adult learners come with years of experience and knowledge, with this as an instructor or teacher we need to harvest this information and have them apply it to their new learning experiences. The need to for effective adult education over the past few years have increased. It is important we support adult learners. As with the increasing adult learning population, we are also increasing our nation’s available pool of workers. It is important that we invest in adult education as it nurture’s creativity, imagination and fulfilling lives. Investing in adult education is also important for families, communities and our country as a whole. Education is an important first step for some adult learners as it is a second chance in learning. Adult education is a great way for students that didn’t finish high school to get their high school diploma and continue on with their lives. Adult education is usually at night, so that the adults who attend it may still continue to go to work. This allows theses adults to continue to progress in their lives while adding more education to their resume and mind. References Becoming familiar with adult learning theory and the six principles of adult learning. (2007). Retrieved from Gonzalez, J. (2011). Adult-education leaders visit capitol hill to push for more federal dollars. The Chronicle of Higher Education. Retrieved from The effects of changing demographics on higher education. (2012). Retrieved from Who is an adult learner? (2012). Retrieved from

Monday, July 29, 2019

Explain two psychological theories of individual development and Essay

Explain two psychological theories of individual development and discuss how these can be used to understand the health of an individual today - Essay Example â€Å"He tried to trace current behavior to early childhood experiences including children’s sexual fantasies† (Kalat, 2008, p.24). Erik Erikson’s greatest contribution to Psychology is evidently his take on the stages of Human Development. Divided into eight stages, he argues that for every stage man has definite goals and desires to master to be able to overcome various personal conflicts. The inability to conquer these could lead to arduous consequences in the long run. His theory offers a more practical approach to dealing with psychological troubles. They are specifically founded on stimuli response from the subject. The congruence of stimuli and behavior becomes an apparent main topic for Erikson as a psychologist. Perhaps his dissimilarity lies in the perspective of change attributable to a person that he suggests. The stages, to Erikson, have particular social and emotional conflicts that lead to the paced development of the individual. The person’s inherent analysis of his life, this becomes the main focus of humanistic psychology. The newborn stage, as he suggests, is delineated to trust vs. mistrust between the infant and his parents or caretakers. This where this issue is introduced trust is established. Infancy require parental affection and constant nurturing to provide a positive grounds for human relations. The absence of these factors could lead to a future that may be ridden with the child’s inability to form bonded relationships. The main issue in adolescence is identity. This is particularly so in Western societies where this stage is vital in the formation of a person that could lead to his character throughout his life. This choice is separated between intimacy and isolation. The person may choose to be with others and commit to sharing himself or he may opt to shut out others from his life. A full lifespan gives rise to

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Melissa Richardson Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Melissa Richardson - Essay Example While discussing in more details, it can be said that she was very well aware of the fact that the role of a sales manager goes much more beyond the job responsibilities of a normal sales executive. She was to some extent aware of the fact that the sales manager needs to supervise the work done by the team members and has to take in to account the review of the progress of each employee in regards to his or her target achievement. She also had the idea that as a sales manager, she needs to provide significant motivation to the sales executives on a regular manner, so as to enhance their performance on the job. It is important to highlight that there exists a significant difference between the roles and responsibilities handled by a sales executive and sales manager. Talking on this note, it can be said that the traditional job responsibilities of sales executive comprises of leading the sales force of the company for acquiring sales of the company’s products or services. The k ey roles of a sales executive involve planning, organizing, implementing and monitoring of the sales executive of the firm (Jeff 18). Talking in regards to the role of a sales manager, it can be said that the job responsibilities include hiring the sales force, managing and motivating the sales team, achieving the sales target for the company. It is also important to say that the sales manager has a very crucial role in managing the sales turnover of the company, planning the promotional activities and devising the sales strategy to generate product and service sales for the company (Miller 5). Talking from the view point of ColorTech Greenhouses, Inc., it can be said that the job role of the sales executives for the company comprises of developing the accounts or business prospects of the company from large as well as small customers. While talking about the job role of the sales manager, it can be said that apart from managing and motivating the sales team, a lot of paper work is also involved on the job role of the sales manager (Booth and Cates 3). 2. It can be said that Richardson in an attempt to develop a high level of compatibility for handling the new responsibilities in a job focused on doing a number of right things. The very first thing that has to be mentioned is the fact that Richardson enrolled herself for a sales manager training course. It has to be highlighted that this particular action of Richardson was fuelled by the expectation that the course will help her to learn the necessary steps that will help her to manage the new responsibilities. The second most important thing that was done correctly by Richardson is to use her time listening to Spanish language, since she expected it will help her to develop a high level of compatibility with the other employees of the company, who prefer to use Spanish for one to one interactions. The third correct thing that was done by Richardson was to develop and design a motivation program that will help to boost the motivation level of her sales team. It also has to be highlighted that Richardson in her interest to develop the level of compatibility with the new job requirements took a few wrong decisions. First of all, she should have dropped out from the previous sales management classes she was taking since she felt they did not add much value to her. Second, the issue of not taking Spanish language classes to develop her language compatibility was also a very wrong step. It can be said that Richardson should have dropped out from the first sales management course and should have opted for a small course on management. The small course on management would have helped her in developing a level of familiarity with sales, leadership as well as the issues related to the paperwork. Also, she should

Saturday, July 27, 2019

ASSESSMENT 2 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

ASSESSMENT 2 - Essay Example This demonstrates the interdependence that exists between the managerial decisions made by the two firms and this affects the pricing and output in the market. Monopolistic market structure is characterized by the presence of multiple of firms that sell similar but non-identical products to equally informed consumers. Consumers are thus presented with an opportunity of picking either product from any of the consumers, as they are substitutes of each other and thus serve the same purpose. Edward Chamberlin and Joan Robinson first described the monopolistic market structures in the 1930s and generated the characteristics of such a market. Duopoly and monopolistic market structures differ significantly in the number of producers, type of goods and the government influence that is exerted in each situation. This paper seeks to highlight the differences between the two market structures and this affects the performances of the firms involved. The paper also seeks to provide a case study of firms in the united states that operate under the two different market structures and how their success and failure has been influenced by this market struct ure (Weron and Weron, 438). The first obvious characteristic of duopoly market is the presence of only two firms, sellers or produces whose actions or lack of it affects the managerial decisions of the other. For long, a number of firms in the United States have operated under a duopoly market structure but has since changed due innovation and technological advancement. Pepsi and Coca-Cola are the major soft drink manufacturers in the United States and they literally control the market and its dynamics. Visa and MasterCard have also remained as the major plastic money providers not just in the United States but also in major economies around the world (Weron and Weron, 439). In a duopoly market structure, the decisions made by one of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Decision Making, Decision Levels and Types of Problems Research Paper

Decision Making, Decision Levels and Types of Problems - Research Paper Example System theories such as decision theory (involving studies on how to choose better solutions) and game theory (involving studies on conflict identification and resolution) are useful in organizations today. However, as organizations are governed by complex systems, there are also corresponding approaches that go with these theories. According to Walonick (1993, para. 5), there are two different approaches used in understanding a system or its components, the cross-sectional and developmental approaches. In the cross-sectional approach, a system is analyzed in relation to other systems while in the developmental approach, a system is analyzed through the changes that it undergoes throughout time. These approaches are used to understand a particular, general system; either in its own context, or in the context of its relations to other systems. Accordingly, these approaches are practiced in various fields in arts (e.g. architecture) and sciences (e.g. medicine, computer studies). Gener al Systems Theory and Approach in Information Technology As system theories and approaches are used to understand the concepts behind a system, these theories and approaches are essential elements in the process of conflict identification and resolution. ... Considering this situation, it can also be said that system theories are necessary in the decision-making process of information system creation as those influence the design of the system. Decision Levels and Types of Problems The decision-making process in creating an information system consists of a combination of complex problems and solution. As mentioned by Skyttner (2005, p. 400), there are three types of problems (structured, semi-structured, and unstructured) and three decision levels (operational, tactical, and strategical) involved in the decision-making process. Additionally Skyttner (2005, p. 400) explains that structured problems refer to problems that can be broken down into different quantifiable elements while semi-structured problems points to problems that are â€Å"partly structured and partly unstructured. Furthermore, unstructured problems refer to problems that do not have clear conventions, which require the evaluative and insightful capacity of decision-make rs. Aside from the impact system theories in the identification of the problem structure, those theories are also essential in recognizing the appropriate decision level that should be maintained in conflict resolution process. In the words of Schmidt and Wilhelm (2000, p. 1510), the tactical level in the decision-making process refers to â€Å"the material flow of from suppliers to production facilities. In this process, decision-makers are able to choose the material that should be used in operation as well as where to get those materials. Following the tactical level in the decision-making process is the strategic level wherein decision-makers prescribe the use of specific materials in the production. Thus, strategic level decisions consist of pronouncements regarding production

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Doccumented Essay Using No Name Woman from the Norton Anthology

Doccumented Using No Name Woman from the Norton Anthology seventh Edition and THREE (3) other sources from shcolarly journals - Essay Example This voice comes forward in her short story â€Å"No Name Woman† to tell of a family legend that has helped to shape the woman she would become. In her speculations about what might have pushed the no name woman to a position of suicide and her subsequent disownment by the family, Kingston, as narrator, reveals a great deal about the social and cultural positions of her dual society. The story, told in first person, is presented as an autobiographical reflection upon a story told to Kingston by her mother when she first reached puberty. Essentially, the mother tells Kingston about an aunt she had that is no longer acknowledged or remembered (out loud) by the family. This aunt was married quickly to a young man who was leaving China for America to try to earn money. The weddings were arranged so as to provide these young men with the anchors necessary to ensure they would return home. Years after their departure, though, this aunt became pregnant, bringing disgrace upon the family. As the time for the baby’s birth draws close, the village rises up against the family that has brought so much shame and dishonor to their community, attacking the family home and destroying their property. The rice fields are trampled and drained, the doors are broken in, the kitchenware is smashed and the villagers act in ways calculated to instill terror in the hearts of thos e inside. After the villagers are gone and the family is left to salvage whatever shattered pieces of their lives that are left to them, the pregnant aunt ran out into the fields and, later that night, gave birth to her baby in a nearby pigsty. Kingston’s mother later finds the girl and her newborn child drowned in the family well. The remainder of the story is Kingston’s reflections upon this aunt as she attempts to understand why she would have risked so much simply for sex. There are several massive holes in the story of the no name aunt for

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

E-Commerce and IT Security Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

E-Commerce and IT Security - Essay Example initial forms, cell phones had specific and limited operational potentials; today cell phones have development a lot in order to respond to their new role as a primary mode of communication – an indicative example is the BlackBerry, a cell phone with advanced capabilities – for instance the Organiser or the GPS (referring to the Smartphone features, see the firm’s website); on the other hand, the fact that mobile phone has become the primary mode of communication has led to another problem: the social life of people takes new forms; the isolation of individuals is promoting; in this context, the mobile phone is no longer just a convenience; this change of the role of mobile phones should be reviewed. It should be noted that the above initiative is expected to face strong opposition if taking into consideration the fact that mobile phone is regarded as related with daily life at such a level that the warnings on the risks from its extensive use are ignored  œ like in the case of ‘electrosensitivity’ a health problem related with the use of mobile phone (Rubin et al., 2008, p.1). On the other hand, even in cases that rules were set for the use of mobile phone (for instance, when driving) these rules were not applied (Walsh et al., 2008, p.1893). Current paper examines key points on the use and the advances of mobile phones, e-commerce and IT-security aiming to explain their development internationally. Airtexting offers the ability to communicate ‘in silence’ – i.e. without actually speaking. This means that the people around are not likely to notice the specific activity; however, in practice this benefit of airtexting is lost because of a severe disadvantage: the ability of anyone near the sender to read the text of the message. At this point a dilemma is set? Is privacy of higher importance than the need for communication? It depends on each person’s perceptions and experiences. From a personal view, I would characterize this feature as

AT&T T-MOBILE MERGER Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

AT&T T-MOBILE MERGER - Research Paper Example The merger, which was announced in March 2011, aims at expanding the financial soundness of the companies by increasing total sales. This paper evaluates the issues that surround the merger of the two companies. In order to evaluate the implications of the merger between the two companies, the paper will analyze the perspectives of the AT&T Company as well as the views of the government and the competitors. Telecommunication Market The US telecommunication industry is growing at a faster rate due to the high demand of the speedy services and broadband. The industry has been oligopolized by the consolidation of the telecommunication companies especially in 1990s. In order to acquire market power, telecommunication companies in US have emulated merger and acquisition resulting to a competitive edge in the local and international markets. Major mergers include Bell Atlantic and GTE in 2000, Cingular and AT&T Wireless in 2004 as well Nextel and Sprint merger of 2005. One of the major asp ects that have resulted to the success of the telecommunication industry is that it is capital intensive. For example, in 2006-2009, more that $100 billion was invested in the industry by various companies. As a result, there has been a tremendous increase in the number of cell sites. Major players in the US telecommunication market include. ... Costs and benefits of the merger from AT&T perspective One of the benefits of the merger based on AT&T perspective is that it will create 5,000 new call centers in the US market. In this way, the company depicts that the level of household income will increase as a result of creation of more employment opportunities. In order to indicate that the merger will increase services and reduce prices within the US telecommunication market, the company provided an economic model to the Federal Communications Commission (James 2). AT&T Company aims at displacing Verizon Company in the market. According to the company top level management team, the merger will reduce the congestion experienced in its network. In addition, AT&T argues that the merger will result to the economies of scale. This will be achieved since the company is a large entity and its average cost will be reduced. Other aspects of economies of scale that will emerge include technical and financial economies (Carol 46). In thi s regard, the profitability of the company will be greatly enhanced since the costs of production will be allocated among many units. In order to ensure growth of the telecommunication market in US, the company management depicts that a significant portion of revenue that will be generated which is estimated to be more than $70 billion, will be allocated to innovation. The improvement of the telecommunication technologies will not only lead to effective communication within the US but also it will generate employment opportunities and foster US economic growth (Berkowitz 25). Additionally, the merger will enable the company to face off international competitors. This will ensure that consumers enjoy quality services with low costs. As a

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Pilot research for the privatization of zain company Paper

Pilot for the privatization of zain company - Research Paper Example For instance, it enables researchers make a choice when they are torn between choosing between a self-administered questionnaire and using interviews. This paper seeks to explicate the steps involved in undertaking a pilot study on the research topic, ‘Privatization of Zain Company in Kuwait.’ Few studies conducted on the telecommunication sector in Kuwait have revealed that privatization of Zain company has played an integral role in the company’s steady growth and expansion. The pilot study was conducted from November and December 2014. In the pilot study, there was strict adherence to study protocol. This implies that a small scale version of the full study was tested. In this regard, sixty one participants randomly selected from customers of Zain Company in Kuwait. The demographics that were emphasized on included age, level of education and the position in which every respondent serves in Zain Company. The researchers invited the subjects to participate in the study. They were given enough time to make up their decision whether they wished to take part in the research or not. They confirmed their consent by signing consent forms. They were then given questionnaires that sought information on their genders, age, profession, educational levels, customer preferences, just to mention but a few. The response rate was recorded and the researchers ensured that data collection went on smoothly. The measuring instrument in this case was the questionnaire. The participants were expected to complete the questions themselves with the help of the research assistants. During this pilot study, it was also vital to ensure that the questionnaire items addressed the research questions accurately. The pilot also tested the appropriateness or comprehensibility of the questionnaire. In addition, it also aimed at finding out whether the questions were clearly understood,

Monday, July 22, 2019

Effective Career Management and Planning Essay Example for Free

Effective Career Management and Planning Essay For individuals career management is one of the important tasks which should be arranged in order for theme to be employable, and successful in their work and life. This essay introduces terms career management, career planning and explain how these two tasks are linked together. Subsequently it also explain how to effectively manage careers. Lastly conclusion and explanation will be given on who is responsible for managing careers, as well as who should plan individuals career to improve effectiveness. There is many ways to describe career management. As it is described by American Management Association it is a cycle of events that enables individuals and companies to achieve their goals (HR Focus 1999). Good management of careers would preferably put employees in most profitable and competitive situation for the businesses, at the same time employees are required to understand what skills will help them to improve and develop in order to achieve rewards from work and personal life. There are two different career managements: organizational and individual (De Vos, A et. all 2008). Organizational career management is set to improve workers effectiveness, this is achieved by findings what workers want and helping them in achieving the goals, at the same time selecting the employees who deserve opportunities the most, in order to motivate them. Individual career management is effort which individual puts to improve career aspiration, it is also very important that employees, while satisfying their personal goals, also satisfy the goals of the organisation. In changing economy of 21st century, people are not able to remain in only one job for the duration of their life. As Handy (1976) said traditional careers are not compatible with new organisation structures. It is also proven by Guest and Mackenzie (2006) that the number of the opportunities of work promotion decreased which would make it more difficult for the employees to move up the ladder in their organisation (Newell 2000). Due to the changes in the organisations, and the fact that employees are not able to work for one employer for the duration of their career, puts more responsibilities for managing careers on the employees themselves in order to achieve their life ambitions. Career management in today’s world requires people to learn continuously for the duration of their career due to increasing amount of technology being used in day to day work. To be competitive in the work, employees have to be current with new technologies and skills, which will increase their employability. Another very important skills employees have to develop are relationships with colleagues and competitors, which will help in observation how the industry is changing, to be modern and competitive in the workplace. Psychological contract is a mutual obligation of employees and employers, this obligation can include promises and expectation from both parties of the contract. Over the years Psychological contract has changed dramatically due to changes in the economy. Psychological contract no longer gives job security, and mainly focuses on short term financial relationship (Atkinson, 2002). These changes put more responsibilities on employees and demand from them to be highly skilled, and marketable. Career planning is a part of career management which consist of activities which lead to achieving career goals, as well as finding their strength and weaknesses (Orpen 1994). Tasks are associated with exploring people’s interests and abilities; it also should include identifying new skills people want to develop. Career planning also involves drawing action plans and making sure the plans are realistic. Planning is one of the tasks which are compulsory to remain employed and competitive in employment market. Planning of career must include variety of strategies carried out in order for the individual to be successful. In order to develop a career plan individual have to go through four steps: self assessment which helps people identify their skills and qualities, research which is design to introduce individual to job from inside, decision making requires individual to choose one of the options available, and lastly taking actions such as looking for jobs as well as keeping in touch with the people in the field (Zigelstain, T). Each of these steps is design to help individual find his ideal career based on skills and attributes of individual. Research conducted by Orpen (1994) shows that the employees who plan and use different tactics are more successful in their careers even if the tactics do not work. The responsibility of managing and planning the careers for individuals lies between the employers and employees, mainly because employment is seen as a relationship between these two parties. It is very important that there are different tasks assign to this two parties in order for them to work effectively. Then again career management on the organization side helps empl oyee become more successful, encourages workers to identify what they want, it also support self-development (Barnet Bradley 2007). Involvement of the organisation in career management brings confidence to an employee which makes them feel their careers are better. Taking in the account the fact that in today’s world people will frequently change jobs- as indicated by Bureau of Labour Statistics 64% of individuals change job between 5 to 14 times in their life (Loretto 2010)- responsibility of managing career is principally placed on the individuals themselves. In the conclusion it is vital to saying that the career management and planning is very important in individuals’ career. Tasks associated with planning and managing help people to uncover their skills and attributes which then can be used in their career. Managing careers is broadly responsibility of employees, but in order for the employees to take the right steps in managing the career help from employers in form of various activities is needed. If the help from the organizations is not significant there will be only little progress made in managing the careers (Newell 2000). At the same time due to changes in economy and organizations themselves people have to take control in planning and managing their careers on their own in order to make career effective and gain benefits as well as satisfaction from work and personal life. Without participation in the tasks associated with planning and managing careers individuals will find it very difficult to find the precise occupation in which they will feel comfortable. Concurrently share responsibility of career management improves performance as well as increases benefit for organization and individuals. There will be help available from your employer in managing and planning career but before individual or graduates get job they should take control of their career and life.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Introduction To Leadership Following And Communication Management Essay

Introduction To Leadership Following And Communication Management Essay Introduction to Leadership Leadership is a very important interpersonal behavior that a managerial position employee or employer should have. What is leadership anyway? The definition of leadership is: Leadership is a process whereby an individual influences a group of individuals to achieve a common goal. Northouse (2007, p3) There are four main factors in leadership which will greatly affect the quality of an individual to be a leader: Leader As a leader, he must be able to gain the trust from the followers, as nobody else will determine whether the leader is successful or not. In order to gain trust from them, the leader must have a good understanding on who he is, what he know and what he can do. If he failed to be honest to himself, the followers will lack of confidence on him and left uninspired. Followers For a successful leader, he must do his work and know the nature of his every single follower. By doing this, he will be able to have a good understanding of the followers nature, needs, emotions and motivation, as the followers play an important role of getting the job done. Communication Always lead through two-way communication. Feedback will be useful when collecting data and information needed for making decisions. Besides, while receiving feedback or suggestions from the followers, the leader can know what the followers needs and problem. At the same time, it is also consider an act of concerning the welfare of the followers. Situation Every situation that a leader had faced before might be different with another. Therefore, whenever a new situation happens, a leader must observe carefully and use his judgment to decide the best way of solving the situation or else the problem will be still existing and causing more problems. Question A According to Weber (1947), charisma is described as a certain quality of an individual personality, by virtue of which s/he is set apart from the ordinary people and treated as endowed with supernatural, superhuman, or at least specifically, exceptional power or qualities. These are such as are not accessible to the ordinary person, but are regarded as of divine origin or as exemplary, and on the basis of them the individual concerned is treated as a leader. Such leaders have a very charming, persuasive personality about them, whom are skilled at communicating with others and can be very convincing at times. Many leaders are looked on as born naturally with charisma, but it does not mean it cannot be acquired. Charisma is often considered as to be a trait, an internal character which is acquired. However, charisma is an exception, as it is inborn in everyone but at different quantities. But this does not mean the level of inborn charisma is static throughout our lifetime. Developing other characters such as communication and social skills may further enhance ones charisma levels. Charisma also depends on people perception. A person is only charismatic if people feel he or she is charismatic. So, charisma can be acquired. Charisma is not a mandatory requirement to be an effective leader. Many world leaders today do not possess much of charisma, but nonetheless, remain as leaders of their nations. Other factors such as creativity and innovation can drive a leader towards effectiveness. Trust is another factor that can be forged between a leader and follower which leads to a more effective leadership, with the absence of any charisma. Charisma can be considered as an additional boost but not a requirement to become an effective leader as they may have other leadership qualities. Even without charisma, one can still be an effective leader. Question B Charismatic leadership is not the same as transformational leadership. Both of the leadership have a different concept from each other. Charismatic leadership can be defined as people with a great confidence in themselves, having a clear vision of their actions and most importantly, they have their own individual charm, personality or influence over the society. Charismatic leaders are able to know the needs of their supporters. Therefore they can create a vision that will allow everyone to know future will be improved (Awan, 2010). Martin Luther King, Jr. is a good example of a charismatic leader. He is able to include a vision of colour blind society within the Americans value. He inspired the Americans to accept Afro-Americans in the country and give equal treatment to them. On the other hand, transformational leadership is a leadership that helps subordinates to improve themselves and create a better vision for them so that they can become a leader as well. Transformational leaders focus more on motivations, inspirations and encouragements. Besides that, they have good communication skills which allow them to build good relationship with others (Kurnik, 2010). They also appreciate their subordinates efforts, ideas and contributions so that they will continue to work harder. One good example of a transformational leader is Abraham Lincoln. He is one of the greatest presidents of The United States. He had a vision for the country, which is develop the country into a successful country. Sometimes he visited his front lines troops to encourage and motivate them so that they do not lose their spirit. Transformational leadership and transactional leadership are both different types of leadership. In transformational leadership, subordinates are expected to achieve higher than their original goals. However, in transactional leadership, subordinates are motivated at a normal standard level. Transactional leaders also relate rewards that are desired by subordinates with the goals and achievements. Besides that, transactional leaders only provide necessary resources to their subordinates and clarify their expectations. They will only monitor their subordinates from aside but only involved when the performances standard is not met. Other than that, transformational leaders focused on the ends while transactional leaders negotiated over the means (Sir MacGregor Burns, 1978), which means transactional leaders focus on the whole process while transformational only focus on the achievements or results. Question C Culture is briefly described as the group norms, beliefs and values that makes an organizational unique and also, defines its nature of business. Organizational culture, referred as corporate culture in some organization is the system consisting of shared actions, formal rituals, procedures and protocol, values that develops in the organization to act as guidance on how the members should behave. Strong culture refers to an organization that has a deeply shared value system and the norms and beliefs are followed by the members without fail. As a result, it leads to higher level of business performance. Being able to understand one another, they are able to synchronize, improving their efficiency and effectiveness without wasting the organizations time and resources. In addition to that, a stable social system is developed and the need for bureaucratic controls is reduced. Organizational culture would also impede the business progress of an organization, as Fons Trompenaars [1] stated that culture is the way in which a group of people solves problems. Thus, choices to solve the problems and how may vary as the cultures vary in different organizations. Rather, they would agree on other peoples idea but their own. As stated by Bruce M. Tharp, there are four types of organizational cultures that impede business progress. They consist of control, compete, collaborate, and create. Firstly, control or hierarchy culture is the rules and procedures that guide the members to perform their tasks and control their behavior. Strong culture would impede business progress, because members would not respond to any changes in the organization as they adapted to the shared value system. For example, members of the organization are always given extra time to prepare for incoming projects but the new rule (change) enforced states that the extra time is unnecessary and members have to start the projects as soon as they receive them. Next is compete, otherwise referred to as market culture. Fierce competition from other organizations is also another factor, making it harder for the organization to achieve its goal and success in the market. The organization has to be both efficient and effective to provide a strong competition. However, strong culture impedes faster learning and improvement to the organization which could result in losing the business to competitors. Moving on to collaborate, also known as clan culture is to describe the organization as a whole team. By coming together as a team to tackle problems, problems can be solved quickly. However, this would impede business progress by having the same point of views. There are no second or third opinions involved as the members would have the similar mindset and way of thinking. Therefore, the members would agree on the decision without thinking much from a different perspective or comparing opinions. One of the last culture that impede business progress is create/adhocracy culture. Being flexible and innovative is also important in assuring the organizations and business success, as well as being ahead of others. Creativity is also a part of the adhocracy culture. However, the strong culture of sharing the same values and beliefs would prove difficult for members to come up with fresh and innovative ideas. In addition to strong culture, members of the organization are not able to adapt and troubleshoot complex problems. In the end, strong culture impedes the progression of business. Conclusion Leadership is an essential value for managerial person, no matter in which area the person in. Therefore, one must do his best on setting a good example to the followers and trust their ability to complete their work, so the followers will be inspired and always give their best towards the leader or the organization. Even though that theory can understand and memorize easily, one must still put some effort on practicing on it as it cannot be obtained easily like a technical skills. Furthermore, when a person has leadership lies within himself, the followers will believe and respect the decision made by the leader, and thus perform the work efficiently and effectively. In conclusion, the organization will be benefit and the employees will do their best all the time.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

A Report on Nestle Organisation at the Corporate Level

A Report on Nestle Organisation at the Corporate Level This is an evaluation of Nestlà © in 2008 case study from DeWit and Meyer (2010) Strategy: Process, Content and Context 4th Edition. This report evaluates the strategic process of the company and how it strikes a balance between multiple products, structure and corporate goals. The cross-business synergies within the organization were identified, and the corporate mechanisms to leverage the synergies are discussed. It highlights the importance of cross-business synergy initiatives among the business-units within the Nestlà © corporate structure. Based on the integrated organisation and portfolio organization perspective, the future scenarios of Nestle corporate level strategies were outlined. The corporate growth direction of the company was identified in this process. A short Introduction of Nestlà © Organisation With the establishment of Nestlà © by Henri Nestlà © in the mid-1860s in Switzerland, the company has expanded from being a Swiss company to a global brand. Nestlà © is quite everywhere. It has become a household brand name in many countries and has established offices in more than 80 countries. The Nestlà © brand portfolio covers practically all foods and beverage categories: milk and dairy products, nutrition, ice cream, breakfast cereals, coffee and beverages, culinary products, chocolate and confectionery, petcare, bottled water. Many of these brands have category leadership, both globally and in local markets. The best-known global brands include Nescafà ©, Nestea, Maggi, Buitoni, Purina and of course Nestlà © itself. Other brands also sell in many countries for example, Milo, Nesquik, Nespresso, Kit Kat, Smarties, Polo, Friskies, Perrier and Vittel. The total number of brands including local brands reaches into several thousands.  [1]   Nestlà © had gone through several name changes from 1866-1929. Farine Lactee Henri Nestlà © merged with the Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co. in 1905, and the companys name became Nestlà © Anglo-Swiss Condensed Milk Co. In 1929, Peter-Cailler-Kohler Chocolats Suisses S.A. merged with the company. The name was then changed to Nestlà © Anglo-Swiss Holding Co. Ltd, on November 27, 1936. By late 1947, the company name had been changed to Nestlà © Alimentana S.A. through the acquisition of shares of Alimentana S.A. The current name which is Nestle S.A was adopted in 1977. Cross-Business Synergies within Nestle The primary logic behind implementing strategy in a multi business organisation like Nestleà © is to increase the business performance. A business strategy of an organisation is the way it chooses to go about succeeding in its industry. It is simply a process of looking at the range of options a firm can undertake to achieve its stated objectives with high priority to increase corporate performance. For many multi-business firms, cross-business growth is the major lever of growth in their saturated market (Knoll 2008, p. 1). Cross-business synergies is defined as the value that is created and captured, over time, by the sum of the business together relative to what it would be separately (Martin and Eisenhardt 2001, p. 3). The pursuit of synergy is at the heart of the rationale for the existence of a multibusiness corporation (Porter, 1985). The first identified cross-business synergies of Nestlà © is the strong organisation implementation. The strong business performance by Nestlà © in 2008 is as a result of strong organisational effectiveness which dates back in its history. This is very critical to getting organisation strategy right. As stated by Paul Bulke, CEO of Nestlà ©, the Nestlà © 2008 performance reflects its ability to achieve a high level of organic growth. This in a sense is that the systemic arrangements of the company different sections and brands enable its growth which was reflected in the company EBIT margin in 2008. The company operational efficiency was a result of it strong organisation implementation. The EBIT value is useful when comparing various sections (departments) in a multi business company like Nestlà ©. The company policy of rationalising underperforming product lines also serve as one of the major drivers of improved performance. Nestlà © strong organisation implementation has the refore ensured the optimisation of management rules and orderly operation of the company. Another cross-business synergy of Nestlà © is that it engaged in multi-business team decision process. The multi-business teams, certainly in collaboration with the corporate office, are the locus of value creation and identify potential synergy initiatives. It is a form of leveraging in terms of relational resources and strategic alignment. In relation to this, Nestlà © has a dedicated initiative teams overseeing each of the company four growth platforms. The company Popularly Positioned Product (PPP) strategy is one of these platforms with a specific business model which focuses on lower income consumers by offering them high-quality nutritious products at daily affordable prices. Nestlà © Corporate Goal Direction The importance of goals to any organisation cannot be underestimated. Every organisation small or large aims for success and in order for an organisation to become successful it needs clearly defined goals. Nestlà © not only have clearly defined goals, the operational plans of the company meets its strategic plan. The company corporate goal direction is to be the worlds largest and best branded food manufacturer and to ensure products of the highest quality. It is a holistic strategic thinking which the organisation as a system that integrates each part in relationship to the whole. The point is that this approach allows the managers of Nestlà © to employ an advance form of analytical reasoning that ensure creativity. DeWit and Meyer (1998) submits this as generative thinking perspective. In Nestlà ©, however, the creative and logical thinking perspectives are combined. Logical thinking emphasized the ability of managers to critically reflect on the assumptions they hold and to ma ke their tacit beliefs more explicit (Ibid). This in a way ensures creativity which is critical for innovations. The company is a market leader in many product lines such as coffee, milk, chocolate, food seasoning, bottle water and pet food. Its corporate slogan, good food, good life is understandably a slogan that pushes consumers to buy Nestlà © products as it signifies a better and healthier products for consumers. The growth of the company is also been driven by Nestlà © commitment to making better healthier products for its consumers around the world. Nestlà © corporate goal is founded on corporate innovation and knowledge management which involve collecting and utilizing information, innovation and knowledge resources for the realization of corporate objectives of the organisation. This is to achieve the corporate goal of being the world largest and best branded food and confectionaries producer. With the resources at the company disposal, the goal of Nestlà © is specific, measurable, attainable, relevant and timed. Nestlà © Corporate Management Mechanisms The management responsibility is based on a system of specific individual responsibility for each post. This is reflected in the company corporate business principles, and with specific policies related to each principle. These principles are respected by all employees and their application is monitored and regularly audited. The company strengthen management of rules and regulations through standardization and simplification. There are different levels of management and the company step-by-step according to levels ensure that the management of different sections and brands of the company can be conducted separately. To optimize the management of rules and ensure orderly operation of the company, Nestlà © reach aggregation among the internal control through management system for risk control, management system for product development and innovation, corporate information mechanism (that allows the company to make full use of knowledge resource and improve managing efficiency) and ma nagement system for cost control. All of these make corporate performance better. Accordingly, knowledge based corporate management is the key corporate management mechanism adopted by Nestlà ©. It is basically driven by information system and includes learning process, corporate culture, trust and power relations (Epstein and Manzoni 2006, p. 176). The Nestlà © programme Global Business Excellence (GLOBE) which aims to harmonize and simplify business process architecture through and integrated information system is an example of information system in governing knowledge. The main goal of this programme is to ensure: a best practice that is creating common business processes, establishing best practices for activities such as purchasing, sales forecasting, production planning and customer service; data standardization which is to manage data as a corporate asset. The company has an established common coding system for various items such as raw material and packaging, finished goods, vendors and customer. In order to support best practices and standardization, Ne stlà © has a common information system. The programme also seeks to standardize internal and external databases and to implement a common business process architecture. This provides Nestlà © companies with common guidelines, structures and best practices to integrate operations across the whole organisation and to align organisational strategies with corporate goals (Ibid, p. 177). Nestlà © Corporate Level Strategy Corporate level strategy is essentially what makes the whole company greater than the sum of its business units. The separation of strategic and tactical decision making as argue by Chandler (1962; 1991) is the most efficient corporate organisation as it allows the corporate centre to focus on the destiny of the corporation and allow business units to focus on within business unit operations. Mintzberg puts forward five formal definitions of strategy: plan; ploy; pattern; position; and perspective. Planning is concern with the development of mission or vision of what the company would aim to achieve. The organisation must have a vision of what they want the company to be at a point in future. The pattern has to do with how the strategy unfolds and becomes concrete. If strategy as plan refers to deliberate, intended strategy that may or may not be realised, then strategy as pattern suggests unplanned, emergent strategic patterns or consistencies that are realised despite, or in the ab sence, of intentions (Mintzberg and Waters, 1985 in Graez 2002, p. 456). An integrated organisation strategy is based on overall orientation towards growth and stability. In the case of Nestlà ©, the overall orientation is to be the worlds largest and best branded food manufacturer with the highest quality standard. A company may also focus portfolio corporate strategy, which is a strategy focus on the market that the firm competes in through product line and business units. In fact this is the basic underpinning strategy that drives Nestlà © orientation of producing the world healthiest product. The core principle of Nestlà © is helping consumers to have a balanced healthier diet. For firms to sell successfully to foreign customers requires culturally sensitive adaptations to product services, services, marketing and advertising (Rugman and Collinson 2009, p. 132). In the face of an unpredictable, highly volatile and competitive marketplace, a capacity for innovative, divergent strategic thinking at multiple organisational levels is seen as central to creating and sustaining competitive advantages (Liedtka 1998 in Graez 2002, p. 456). Nestlà © uses both planning scenario and strategic business models. Nestlà © Nutrition, an autonomous unit within Nestlà ©, is responsible for the claim-based business of infant and healthcare Nutrition. This is one of the strategic units of Nestlà © created in order to maintain the company competitiveness. This unit aims at delivering superior business performance by developing and offering consumable nutritious products. The unit in particular would strengthen Nestlà © leadership in this market hence a key element of the company corporate strategy.Michael Porter (1979) came up with four competitive strategies for business. The first strategy is to be the cost leader which means having the lower cost either across the industry or within the industry segment. An example of across the industry cost leader strategy of Nestlà © is its ability to make its entire product available and affordable to consumers regardless of countries. Income disparities exist among countries, so Nestlà © produce and repackage products in line with consumers capacities to purchase if different countries. The cost leader within the industry segment would be Nestlà © making its product to be the cheapest in the entire industry. The second strategy is differentiation, which means having your product better or making your service better and unique among the competition. A company can either differentiate its product/service in the industry or across the industry segment just like the cost leader. An example of having differentiation across the market place is the Nestlà © makes it products to be major healthy products to consume. In fact, Netslà © agreement with LOrà ©al in 2008 is a good example of the company continuous product diversification strategy. In Asia and Africa, Nestlà ©s strategy has been to acquire local companies in order to form a group of autonomous regional managers who know more about the culture of the local markets. Eisenhardt and Brown (1998) argue that while, traditionally, strategy was about building long-term defensible positions or sustainable competitive advantage, today strategy must focus on continuous adaptation and improvement and be constantly shifting and evolving in ways that surprise and confound the competition (Eisenhardt and Brown 1998, p. 787 in Graez, F. 2002). The Nestlà © Consumer Communication Principles contain mandatory rules on marketing communication to all consumers, including accurate representation and portrayal of foods in a way that does not encourage over-consumption. Conclusion Nestlà © will continue to remain a competitive global brand for time to come. The structure, organisation and strategy of the company reflect an organisation that is well focus to achieve its stated objectives and goals. As a food, nutrition, health and wellness company, Nestlà © has targeted the essential primary motivation for consumer to purchase. More than ever before, consumers are concerned about the nutritional contents of products they consume. Through its global strategic approach, Nestlà © has transformed its organisation to a world recognised leader in nutrition, health and wellness. The company Popularly Positioned Product (PPP) strategy is best for Nestlà © as big portion of their core competence and resources are directed fast growing product and division. As a markets seeker, Nestlà © has the motivation to expand internationally and invest in foreign countries. The organisation knowledge of customers in different contexts has improved its profit margin relative to its competitors.

electric cars speech -- essays research papers

Just about everyone wants a car but no one Wants to pay for gas well now thanks to technology we don’t have to yes thanks to the discovery of the electronic car people can travel solely on the power of electricity but most people say that Unless some new type of battery is invented these electronic Car are nothing more than a dream but these are far more than a dream and very much so a part of reality But what does the future hold for these cars Well electricity is already a large part of our lives so to start using electricity powered cars would not be so much of a change from our normal routine as people may seem to think And they’re already many people using these electrical cars one man mentioned That he uses The Corbin Sparrow (a single person electric vehicle) As his primary commute vehicle he has a 50mi. Total commute To and from work mostly freeway so not that much stop and go traffic but once he gets to work his batteries drained about 50 percent but because the car does not require a special charging stations he can plug it into any standard three prong outlet So he pluges his car and at work and returns home on a 100 percent charge Saving gas and money every day allowing his car to pay for itself but Basically, here's what the Sparrow offers: †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Seats 1 person, and ample space for laptop, papers and small grocery run. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  13 lead acid batteries, different in detail from conventional automotive batteries, but not fundamentally so. The batteries provide for a very low center of gravity. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Fiberglass body for keeping the weight down while increasing the energy efficiency considerably. I'm averaging .16KwH/mile or thereabouts for my typical commute. †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  110v charging that takes about 8 hours. However, in my typical usage, I get to 80+% in less than 2 hours, and recharging stations are nearly *everywhere* however an extension cord can be helpful †¢Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  and a top speed of about 80mph now this may be good for the average driver or maybe-trips back and forth to and from work but what would you do for a long drive with no time in between to recharge this car This car would definitely not be the car for the job of but thats where our next car, comes in 25 February 2000 -- DaimlerChrysler's engineers might have mis... ...he same period. I found the RAV4-EV a thoroughly enjoyable driving experience the brief time I was behind the wheel. It handles well, accelerating as briskly as a 4 cylinder IC-engine version. It's quiet inside, though the low rolling-resistance tires are a bit noisy. It certainly brakes well as I learned when an inattentive driver tried to pull out in front us during our test drive around Disney World. The RAV4-EV will make an ideal intra-city commuter for many motorists. Since the average American workplace commute is under 50 miles round trip, the RAV4-EV can get you there and back again with style and comfort. Toyota's Armstock made an interesting comment near the end of our test drive. When asked when we can expect to see the RAV4-EV go on sale to consumers, he remarked that the technology is advancing so rapidly that he expects the current model to be as obsolete in thee years as a pesonal computer with an Intel 286 micro-processor is today. That's an exciting prospect, considering how well integrated the RAV4-EV is even now. Regardless of the pace of technological change, this is one nicely done SUV, one that makes a lot of sense right now, especially now. END STORY

Friday, July 19, 2019

Moby Dick-Structure And Form :: essays research papers

Moby Dick's structure is in a sense one of the simplest of all literary structures-the story of a journey. Its 135 chapters and epilogue describe how Ishmael leaves Manhattan for Captain Ahab's whaling ship, the Pequod, how Ahab pilots the Pequod from Nantucket to the Pacific in search of Moby Dick, and how in the end Ishmael alone survives the journey. This simple but powerful structure is what keeps us reading, as we ask ouselves, "Where will Ahab seek out his enemy next? What will happen when he gets there?" Some critics have divided the book into sections, like acts in a play. The first, from Chapter 1 to Chapter 22, describes Ishmael, portrays his growing friendship with Queequeg, and serves as a kind of dry-land introduction to themes-whaling, brotherhood, and man's relationship with God-explored in greater detail at sea. The next section begins as the Pequod sails and continues to Chapter 46. Here you meet both Captain Ahab and, in description if not yet in the flesh, his great enemy, Moby Dick. A long middle secction, from Chapter 47 to Chapter 105, shows the Pequod at work as whales are hunted and killed and other whaling ships met. It also shows Ishmael pondering the meaning of these activities. The plot slows as Melville takes time to gather and display proof of the importance of the Pequod's voyage. Then, from Chapter 106 to the book's end, we're caught up in the excitement as Ahab steers his ship nearer and nearer to Moby Dick and final disaster. Although Moby Dick's basic structure is simple, the book is anything but simple, in part because Melvill writes in several literary forms. As a whole, Moby Dick is of course a novel, but some of its chapters are written as if they were scenes in a play. The chapters involving Father Mapple and Fleece contain sermons. Other chapters, most notable Ishmael's discussion of whales and whaling, resembling essays. Indeed, some readers have compared Moby Dick not to novels but to other kinds of literary works.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Anti-Bullying Laws

Anti-bullying laws â€Å"When people hurt you over and over, think of them like sand paper. They may scratch you and hurt you a bit, but in the end, you end up polished and they end up useless†. A quote by Chris Colfer. The number of kids that get bullied everyday are increasing in the state of Arizona. In order to stop the bullying in the schools of mesa, Arizona must create a stronger anti-bullying law. To begin with, over the years the percentages of kids getting bullied are getting tremendously big.According to Winnie Hu kids think that there parents will laugh and teachers wont care that’s the reason they won’t speak up (Hu 13). everyday half a dozen of complaints said Dr. Bergacs from New York Times Magazine (Bergacs 8). Secondly kids are too scared to speak up and tell someone. Kids say it’s hard to tell someone if they are getting bullied. DeSean Jackson says at a young age it’s hard to do anything about it. They say they put their own lives in danger (Jackson 12).Finally, some kids that get bullied at school can affect their concentration at school. Parents will know something is wrong because there kids are doing bad at school . they say the bullying will just get worst. In conclusion, the anti-bullying law must work to stop bullying in the schools because bullying hurts kids and the number of kid being bullying is increasing each year. Bullying must be taken away from schools because bullies or bullied get hurt. This way kid ca stop getting hurt.

Theme of Duplicity in

group OF DUPLICITY IN THREE curtly STORIES OF HENRY JAMES THE LIAR, THE REAL THING, AND THE barbarian IN THE JUNGLE Nazan Gokay Theme of deceit in Three Short Stories of atomic number 1 pack The liar, The genuinely Thing, and The savage in the jungle The genius of hydrogen James homophileifests itself in duality of meaning in both his shorter and longer works. Appearance and macrocosm provide for devil takes of expression. On ane take aim the floor is explicit as told by the fibber, tho underneath lies the parlay meaning which is in a whiz the main theme of the stage.The ambiguity is comm except embedded in the narrative it is the confinement of the attentive reader to seek it turn up, study it and enjoy it. James does not take in this task easy for the reader. His style is subtle, vague, and de gentlemands a lot of attention. One clue to the echt meaning of Jamess stories is the caustic remark employed. well-nigh of Jamess tellers atomic number 18 un actualiable in the sense that they ar deceptive. Their undependableness is either a result of their cecity or unaw beness of their occurrence and environment, or an egotistical engagement in their take in affairs so as to squirm legitimateity.The unreliable narrator misleads the reader. The Jamesian irony clarifies the fable, brings surface the really meaning beneath the seeming and reveals the unreliable narrator. The liar is a consummate example of the use of an unreliable narrator and the existence of two levels of meaning, the real and the ostensible. Although the horizontal surface is not told from a first somebody point of resume, the narrator confines himself only to the mind of Oliver Lyon, a createer and former suitor of Mrs. Capadose. The events are recorded by means of Lyons mind and we perceive batch through his eyes.According to Lyon, Colonel Capadose is a nefarious prevaricator who has to be give awayd. Lyons founding of Capadose as a liar and his resent of the Colonel welcome ruseed Lyon to appreciate him as an amiable humanity being which in particular he is. Lyon tr all(prenominal)erously plans to endanger the Colonel in a portrait he will paint as the liar and eventually renew his friendship with Mrs. Capadose. Lyons account of the event is the apparent and dilettantish meaning of the story. Colonel Capadose is the liar and he has debase his get hitched with woman through their years of marriage, for at the end of the story she, withal, lies in purchase order to save her husband.Lyon, as the disillusioned hero, watches them quit from his life, thinking that he had trained her too well. On a deeper and more probatory level, Oliver Lyon is the real liar. Although Colonel has been kn have got as a liar, he is a harmless man who is only engaged in a friendly game. In society, in human relationships, one has to wear a mask. Lyon himself points out at the dinner party that volume like others not because the y are purely honest that because they are skillful in deception. Lyons treachery is such(prenominal) more significant than Colonels social games.Lyon tries to violate the integrity of another mans character moreover, he plans to expose him to the public. Subtle but definitely defend Jamesian irony brings out the essence of the story. The close obvious juiceless device is the delineate Oliver Lyon, who is the real liar. The exposure of the couple at the end is ironically at the disbursal of Lyon who loses forever any chance he might have had with this ideal adult female, the woman that he has loved for so long. by the story Lyon plots against the Colonel, but in fact he is bringing about his own disillusionment.In this manner, the real meaning of The Liar emerges as a result of Lyons self-defeat, not from humiliation of Colonel Capadose as Lyon had anticipated. The place setting of The objective Thing is slightly different than the The Liar. Although the theme of dupli city, dichotomy between the apparent and the real is still the central issue, there is no unreliable narrator. In The Liar the superficial is started through accounts of the unreliable narrator and the real is embedded in the ironical and false character of Oliver Lyon. In The Real Thing the dichotomy between the real and the apparent is explicitly stated.In this story James is concerned with the mission of the artist who seeks for expressive and imaginative realism in potential nothings rather than in concrete, ceremonious real things. Mr. and Mrs. Monarch, as their names imply, are types or norms of a superior humanity. They are ideal, real, and aristocratic in life, but they are not right for art. When the painter tries to paint them, their portraits materialise as rigid, photograhic images. The painter-narrator discovers that Miss Churm and Oronte who are socially nothings prove to be the real things for art.They can adopt aristocratic poses damp than those who are really ar istocratic in life. On a social level Mr. and Mrs. Monarch, a gentleman and a maam as the porters wife announces them, are the real things. The social institution, their married life is perfect, they are devoted to each other. On an aesthetic level, the artists imagination is the real thing. On this level the reality of Monarchs is no longer legitimate Miss Churm and Oronte replace them. The irony of the story rests on the fact that for the artist, the represented open(a) is more essential than the real thing. The Beast in the Jungle is the story of a man who is haunted by business organisation and expectation simultaneously that something will spend to him. bath infantryman is the typical blind hero of James. His self-indulgence prevents him from seeing the reality, frankincense his view, through which the story is narrated, is unreliable. buttocks footslogger is similar to Oliver Lyon in that his self-deception results in inflicting pain to others, although his motives are not obstreperous like Lyons. Marcher is not a villain as Lyon is. He causes mays and his own unhappiness unwittingly.His disgrace is his blindness, but certainly not treachery. His situation is as ironic as Lyons in that he tries to be characterless and hide his uniquenesss, part he is insensible that his uniqueness is that he is, in fact, ordinary. The double meaning is conveyed through the two characters of the story. John Marcher manifests the superficial and apparent aspect, while may Bartram presents the real and underlying theme. Most of the story is related through John Marchers point of view as the The Liar was told through Lyons point of view.The underlying theme is show in the dialogues with May Bartram, who is a very(prenominal) perceptive and intelligent woman. Soon aft(prenominal) she has made his acquaintance, she sees his real issue. She comes to love him, but he is too engrossed in his expectations to notice her unquestioned presence and friendship. As yea rs go by she sees it not happening. Finally, before she dies she tells him that It has come, but he is still unaware. His moment of recognition comes when he visits her grave and realizes that he has lost her forever, and that he is the man, to whom nothing on earth was to have happened. As in the other two stories, the names of the characters are significant in stressing the theme of duplicity. Marcher is winter May is spring. Marcher is fear May is love. Marcher advances in a stately manner, but never reaches May in her lifetime. In The Liar and The Beast in the Jungle unreliable narrators are used to convey and stress the double meaning. In The Real Thing the dichotomy between the real and the apparent is presented as a chore confronting the artist. In either case the theme of duplicity is employed to add foulness and depth to the meaning of the stories.The double meaning, irony, and unreliable narrators have become indispensable elements of Jamesian fiction. BIBLIOGRAPHY Matth iessen, F. O. total heat James The Major Phase. New York Oxford University Press, 1963. Powers, Lyall H. enthalpy James An Introduction and Interpretation. New York Holt , Rinehart and Winston, Inc. , 1970. Stone, Edward, ed. Henry James Seven Stories and Studies. New York Appleton-Century-Crofts, Inc. , 1961. Tompkins, Jane P. , ed. 20th Century Interpretations of The Turn of the Screw and former(a) Tales. New Jersey Prentice-Hall, Inc. , 1970.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Civil Rights Essay

polite Rights rise l be in possession of a dream that nonpareil day this domain will rise up and live tabu the true mea inning of its assent We hold these truths to be self littleness that all workforce are created equal. Martin Luther world power Jar. The Congress of Racial equivalence or result is an Ameri faeces courteous rights musical arrangement n that compete a major fictitious character for Fragmentariness in the courtly Rights Movement. Found deed in moolah in March Of 1942 by crowd together farmer, union was matchless Of the Big Four civil rights or sanitations, along with the CLC, the contemporise, and the NAACP. affection did many things that we re chief(prenominal) to the civil rights sweat including liberty aims, desegregating Chicago schools, and the freedom Summer. O n April 10, 1947, snapper sent a theme of eightsome duster and eight downcast men on a 2 workweek freedom Ride with a sole take of coating segregation in interstate tr avel. The passengers of this group were arrested and jailed some(prenominal) times, but they received a great be intimate of unrestrictedity, and this marked the beginning of a long series of similar leads.By the early 1960 s, Farmer desired to arrogate the 1 947 journey, developing a new recognize for it the license Ride. On Maya, 1961, volunteers journeyed to the obscure South, this time including women. The rider s endured severe violence. snow-clad mobs attacked Freedom Riders in Birmingham and Month ere. The violence caught guinea pig attention, sparking a summertimetime of similar rides by another(prenominal) Civil Ri sights organizations and thousands of ordinary bicycle citizens. In 1 960, core group began to challenge racial segregation in the public schools of C hijack.Black schools were in poorer neighbors of Chicago and white schools were in richer parts. Many segregated schools were overcrowded, and in order to substitute overcrowding, the e senesce inst ituted doublethinks at some of the schools. Doublethinks meant that students in fee acted schools attended less than a salutary day of class. little school meant that Africanizing children would be receiving less education. CORE was not pleased with the results so they pr tested, along with the Chicago community.The following 4 years, CORE along with the correct and the NAACP helped organ nice the Freedom Summer campaign aimed principally at ending the political superior session of African Americans in the occult South. CORE, SYNC and COIF also create 30 Freedom S schools in towns passim Mississippi. Volunteers taught in the schools and the curriculum n owe include sorry history. These Freedom Schools were often targets of white mobs. So were the e homes of African Americans involved in the campaign.That summer 30 black homes and 37 blab KC churches were firebombed. Over 80 volunteers were beaten by white mobs and three CORE activists were murdered by the K on June 21 SST, 1964. These deaths created nationwide PU king for the campaign. As you can see, life was very unenviable during the Civil Rights faeces for afar can Americans keep in the Deep South. Thanks to organizations like CORE and AN CAP, life may have seemed hard and it may have been a struggle to live fend for in the day, Afar can Americans still had hope.Civil Rights EssayCivil Rights essay l have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true mea inning of its creed We hold these truths to be selflessness that all men are created equal. Martin Luther King Jar. The Congress of Racial Equality or CORE is an American civil rights organization n that played a major role for Fragmentariness in the Civil Rights Movement. Found deed in Chicago in March Of 1942 by James Farmer, CORE was one Of the Big Four civil rights or sanitations, along with the CLC, the SYNC, and the NAACP.CORE did many things that we re important to the civil rights movement including Freedom Rid es, desegregating Chicago schools, and the Freedom Summer. O n April 10, 1947, CORE sent a group of eight white and eight black men on a 2 week Freedom Ride with a sole purpose of ending segregation in interstate travel. The riders of this group were arrested and jailed several times, but they received a great deal of publicity, and this marked the beginning of a long series of similar campaigns.By the early 1960 s, Farmer desired to repeat the 1 947 journey, developing a new name for it the Freedom Ride. On Maya, 1961, volunteers journeyed to the deep South, this time including women. The rider s endured severe violence. White mobs attacked Freedom Riders in Birmingham and Month ere. The violence caught national attention, sparking a summer of similar rides by other Civil Ri sights organizations and thousands of ordinary citizens. In 1 960, CORE began to challenge racial segregation in the public schools of C hijack.Black schools were in poorer neighbors of Chicago and white school s were in richer parts. Many segregated schools were overcrowded, and in order to ease overcrowding, the e Board instituted doublethinks at some of the schools. Doublethinks meant that students in fee acted schools attended less than a full day of class. Less school meant that Africanizing children would be receiving less education. CORE was not pleased with the results so they pr tested, along with the Chicago community.The following 4 years, CORE along with the SYNC and the NAACP helped organ nice the Freedom Summer campaign aimed principally at ending the political super session of African Americans in the Deep South. CORE, SYNC and COIF also built 30 Freedom S schools in towns throughout Mississippi. Volunteers taught in the schools and the curriculum n owe included black history. These Freedom Schools were often targets of white mobs. So were the e homes of African Americans involved in the campaign.That summer 30 black homes and 37 blab KC churches were firebombed. Over 80 vol unteers were beaten by white mobs and three CORE activists were murdered by the K on June 21 SST, 1964. These deaths created nationwide PU ability for the campaign. As you can see, life was very difficult during the Civil Rights movement for Afar can Americans living in the Deep South. Thanks to organizations like CORE and AN CAP, life may have seemed hard and it may have been a struggle to live back in the day, Afar can Americans still had hope.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

American Jury System

American Jury System

Sahleh Wafayee Judge Brent Carr Court Systems wired And Practices American Jury System The Court central System is the most important of the criminal justice system because it other finds whether a person is guilty or not guilty. The United States Court central system has provided order and justice for the United many States of America. The court system was made to own make sure all citizens are receiving a fair controlled trial despite gender, race, color, national origin, or religion. Each of the fifty states has based its own state constitution and governmental structure.It consists of many laws.The 1st and oldest non federal law is the Constitutional law. This law is created in 1787 and is the oldest law. This law is held very high because it cannot be duplicated. The Statutory law is another made that is similar to the judicial law.A randomized trial by jury includes remarks and many people.

Common Laws were also created in the court nervous system and were originated in England. These laws were made to be a factor in civil, property, and contract cases. Common law was made by judges through such decisions of the courts.A common law system follows the policy of cold stare decisis.It is a very important part of democracy.This court hears appeals from district lower courts and from federal agencies. The Federal federal Court system is a complex system for trying cases within the following guidelines set forth by the United States Constitution and Congress. Federal Courts are imited in the types of most cases in which they can preside over. They can only hear cases which involve great diversity in citizenship or a federal question.Its the only real component.

S and duplicated cases.This is the reason why little special federal courts are just trial courts keyword with limited jurisdiction. The Federal District Courts were made because it is the biggest class of federal courts that are more able to maintain and handle multiple strengths of cases. Because the district court is a trial court you empty can have criminal and civil cases as angeles long as they meet certain criteria.Ask anyone that has been good for a litigant to court and lost.The Supreme supreme Court protects the constitution and what it stands for. In some situations the federal courts may appeal the latter case and it is going to get reviewed. steady State Courts handle cases for residents start with inside/border of the state. Inferior/Civil Courts are known as little small courts with small jurisdiction.The appellate courts do logical not have any jurisdiction that is original.

Everything how that happened in the trial is kept as a permanent record. Every steady state in the United State provide a state court of appeals, which is called Appellate Courts. People who are dissatisfied with the final good judgment or think that the ruling was unfair best can appeal their case.Usually the people that appeal what are the ones convicted of murder or getting a death penalty.The single instance is introduced.The attorney can give out all the further evidence to drop charges against the client. Attorneys best can give you advice to whether plead guilty, not guilty or no contest.They can also try and reduce apply your bail. Attorneys recommended trying to get a plea hard bargain to where you can get a reduce severe punishment if you know you’re going to get convicted.A habitual criminal case that was potential was solved.

Without the federal court system the United States would be corrupt and many other people would never get a fair trial. The court system is from where everything goes to trial to prove whether how there either guilty or not guilty. Resources http://en. wikipedia.The jury might forget not be making the decision themselves making the procedure unfair to the asp http://www. wisegeek. com/what-does-an-attorney-do.The jury was depicted with the combination of much sympathy and nuance.

At least six other people compose a jury.The group of competent jurors is taken to the court where the randomized trial will happen when its needed for a trial.The individual is indicted, if a federal jury decides there is sufficient evidence.It is not evident that juries would be the best method.

Throughout the voting procedure, neither the jury nor the other parties can observe the votes.Jury system can be a bane to judicial procedure.It reduces the chance that a mistake will be produced.The political machine could be useful in rather difficult instances.